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HomeUncategorizedPokémon GO Players Demand More Accessibility Options for 7th Anniversary

Pokémon GO Players Demand More Accessibility Options for 7th Anniversary

Pokémon GO Players Demand More Accessibility Options for 7th Anniversary


As Pokémon GO approaches its 7th anniversary, the passionate community of players has come together to demand more accessibility options within the game. Players with disabilities or mobility challenges have raised concerns about the lack of inclusive features, which hinder their ability to fully enjoy the Pokémon GO experience. In this article, we will explore the demands made by players, discuss the impact of improved accessibility options, and highlight the significance of inclusivity in gaming.

In five weeks Pokémon Go turns 7 and to this day it has no accessibility settings.
by u/WeaponisedArmadillo in TheSilphRoad

The Call for Enhanced Accessibility

Player Advocacy for Inclusive Features

The Pokémon GO community is known for its dedication and strong voice when it comes to advocating for improvements in the game. Recently, players have turned their attention towards accessibility, urging developers to implement features that cater to individuals with disabilities or mobility limitations.

Addressing Specific Challenges

Players have highlighted various challenges they face when playing Pokémon GO. These include issues with interacting with Pokéstops and gyms, difficulty navigating in-game menus, and limitations in accessing events or raids due to physical constraints. By addressing these challenges, Pokémon GO can become a more inclusive and enjoyable experience for all players.

Proposed Accessibility Options

Customizable User Interface

One of the key demands from players is the introduction of a customizable user interface. This would allow individuals to adjust the size, placement, and color of in-game elements, making them more visible and easier to interact with. Customizability would cater to the specific needs of players with visual impairments or dexterity limitations.

Alternative Input Methods

Expanding the range of input methods is another important aspect of improving accessibility. Pokémon GO players have suggested the inclusion of options such as voice commands, gesture controls, or compatibility with external assistive devices. These alternatives would enable individuals with mobility challenges to fully participate in the game without relying solely on touch controls.

Audio Cues and Visual Alerts

Incorporating audio cues and visual alerts can greatly benefit players with hearing impairments or those who may not be able to focus solely on the screen. Important in-game notifications, such as nearby Pokémon or upcoming events, could be accompanied by sound effects or visual indicators to ensure that all players receive vital information.

The Impact of Enhanced Accessibility

Inclusivity and Community Engagement

Implementing improved accessibility options in Pokémon GO would have a profound impact on the inclusivity of the game. It would create a more welcoming environment for players with disabilities or mobility limitations, allowing them to fully participate and engage with the community. This inclusivity fosters a sense of belonging and strengthens the social aspect of the game.

Widening Player Base

Enhanced accessibility has the potential to attract new players to Pokémon GO. By catering to a broader range of individuals, the game can reach a wider audience and tap into the untapped potential of players who were previously unable to fully enjoy the experience. This expansion of the player base would contribute to the longevity and success of Pokémon GO.


As the Pokémon GO community celebrates its 7th anniversary, players have raised their voices to demand more accessibility options within the game. By addressing the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities or mobility limitations, Pokémon GO can become a more inclusive and enjoyable experience for all players. The proposed customizable user interface, alternative input methods, and audio cues would significantly improve accessibility and contribute to the growth and diversity of the player base. Embracing inclusivity in gaming is not only a step towards equality but also a recognition of the importance of ensuring that everyone can fully participate in the joy of Pokémon GO.